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Strength Training and Yoga The Perfect Partnership!

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Strength without Flexibility is rigidity, and Flexibility without Strength is instability. Yes read that again makes total sense in all walks of life.

My love for yoga has dare I say it strengthened through the years. Starting off up in Dublin about 15 years ago with a mix of classes and styles. I continued to dabble but not committing to a consistent practice.

Then life happens and you look for something that can deliver more than a physical practice, something that allows you to return to the most important thing that never leaves you… well until you leave… and that my friends is the breath.

Yoga postures is all about prepping the body for meditation, getting yourself to the space where your monkey mind can find a place to rest. Breathwork and meditation is really getting down to the crooks of personal evolution and development, a return to where you really are and start from there. Start to breath, start to feel, start to heal. Whether that is in the physical or mental sense is a personal thing. But both really are so intertwined.

About 3 years ago (hello Covid) my yoga game certainly stepped up and it felt like a perfect time to start exploring how a consistent practice could indeed lead me to teaching yoga. Having already qualified as a fitness instructor I found myself hesitating to sign up to another course of which I had done nothing with to date.

So I decided to take the leap thanks to the amazing Roisin Tormey, Mullagh Activity Hub and Cavan Sports Partnership for the encouragement and inspiration to actually use my fitness teaching accreditation and get out there and instruct!

After covering for a few amazing instructors on various classes I finally felt like I was finding my groove.

Strength training is all about form, technique and breathing, the 3 B’s I regularly mention in class Back, Base & Breathing. So it is no wonder that I was drawn to this type of class where you move in a very mindful way, while inhaling and exhaling in a controlled manner.

I love teaching class, I really feel I am in a flow. I leave the house with the usual list of to-do’s in my head and return with a different feeling, a new lease of life a lightness that wasn’t there before. Thanks to all the ladies who keep showing up it is a privilege to share the space and time with you all.

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